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News » 20.09.2024 - NL: Flowers and plants still second largest product group in exports to UK


Dutch exports of goods to the United Kingdom (UK) have lagged since Brexit. This is mainly because re-exports and quasi-transit of goods declined sharply.

Exports of Dutch-made goods to the UK rose, but the increase was much smaller than the increase in exports to all countries. This was reported by CBS in Nederland Handelsland 2024.

Flower exports rise
Besides refined petroleum products, the Netherlands exports mainly flowers and plants to the UK. This export category represents a significant contribution to the export value. For years, flowers and plants have been among the second-largest product group exported to the UK.

Although exports of refined petroleum products increased substantially between 2015 and 2023, mainly due to rising prices, flowers and plants, along with vegetables and roots, remain important export products.



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